Moms for the Month of May Sale!

10153924_442357232575484_5730619629432470365_nIt’s May which means Mother’s Day is right around the corner, but we don’t think that moms should get just a single day; we think they deserve a whole month! So we are announcing our “Moms in the Month of May” Sale! We are taking 15% off EVERYTHING on our showroom floor for the entire month!!! Who doesn’t love a sale that goes on for 31 days? But pssssstt, hey, a little birdy told me a secret…every week 1 cast iron bird will be hidden somewhere in the store & if you can find him then you get 25% off everything! Sounds like a pretty fun shopping trip huh? We can’t wait to see you (:

The Sale Ends The 31st So Hurry In Before It’s Over!